Private Premiere of The Reading (BET+) Starring Mo’Nique, Written by Courtney Glaude
There are few things that are more entertaining than watching a scary movie/ thriller in a Houston theater full of black folks! And let me tell you last night did not disappoint. The beginning started off a little slow but once you get past that the ride is on. Think of like riding a roller coaster and the beginning is that slow climb uphill right before the bottom drops out. We won’t say too much because we don’t even want to give a hint of a spoiler away , but do yourself a favor and stream The Reading on BET+ and let us know what you think. Red Carpet Interviews available on the Talking 2LOUD Podcast (available wherever you get your podcast.)

Chasity Sereal & Courtney Glaude
Recently widowed, Emma Leeden (Mo’Nique), details the loss of her family in her new book “Invasion”. To generate press, Emma agrees to a staged reading by 19-year-oldSky Brown (Chasity Sereal) in Emma’s now fortified home. There’s only one problem, Sky’s spiritual connection is real, and evil emerges in a house they can't get out of.
Courtney Glaudé is a filmmaker based in Houston, TX. He has written, directed, and produced multiple award-winning shorts, including Best Short Drama for "Row" at the Los Angeles Short Film Festival and Best Short for "Tag" at Atlanta's Bronze Lens Film Festival. His 2023 feature film debut, "The Reading," executive produced by Lee Daniels, premieres tonight on BET+.